According to Jarvis (1999) the world of work organization has rapidly developed. There was an advanced shift from manual, mass production to technologically controlled production. “Since the 1970’s rapid advances have been made in technology, especially in the use of computers in production. Because it can speed up work dramatically or even replace labour” (Jarvis, 1999: 27).
However how does technology impact on skills and does it prove beneficial to disabled individuals? According to Jarvis (1999) technology requires mental and problem-solving skills more than physical skills.
The above can thus be linked to tackling challenges of disabled individuals in the workplace. The ILO reports that investigations have found, disabled people in the workplace prove to be more efficient than non-disabled individuals. As well as differently abled people maybe more skilled in a specific job than non – disabled individuals.
The above can be proven in the cash management department of one of Sri Lankas banks. At the “Sampath Bank” there are seven disabled individuals employed .One such example is a dumb woman whose works position calls for her to count money. She has proven to be one of the best employees. In that the sensitive task of counting money needs minimal interactions and a high degree of integrity, honesty and attention to detail.
The “Employer Network on Disability” was created to give disabled people oppurtunities and is propagated by the “Employers Federation of Ceylon” (EFC).The EFC facilitates disabled individuals into the workplace by way of placement. Disabled workers at the Sampath Bank prove to be beneficial as results have far exceeded expectations. This has occurred as these individuals disabilities are being utilized as abilities. In that hearing and speech impaired workers, because of their attuned vision and superior tactile skills are particular good at detecting counterfeit notes. Furthermore as proved in Australia, hiring disabled worker is beneficial in that it proves cheaper and only 4% of disabled people in the workplace actually require design adjustments.
Reference: Press releases - Media and public information - About the ILO.htm