· it is in the business interests of employers to manage disability issues in the workplace, as this can lead to savings in terms of time lost, insurance and healthcare payments and costs associated with recruiting and retaining staff;
· all comprehensive disability management strategies should include provision for recruitment, promotion and retention;
· the management of disability issues forms part of good human resource development practice;
· employers can benefit from recruiting people with disabilities either directly, after a period of training or after a trial period;
· the relevant authorities can play a part in this in ensuring that the right services, such as placement, vocational rehabilitation, skills training and technical support services, are available to employers. They can also ensure that all relevant ministries take account of the needs of people with disabilities in order to aid their integration into employment;
· employers' organizations can play an important role in promoting this issue and in advising and supporting employers;
· workers' representatives can also play an important role by representing the interests of disabled workers and championing employment opportunities for them;
· organizations representing people with disabilities can play an invaluable advisory role in developing disability management strategies.
1 comment:
Information proves to be quiet resourceful.It has given me a new perspective on how disabled individuals operate in the workplac.
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