Could you please explain your disability and the name of the company that you work for?
I am an employee at Airports Company South Africa -Durban (ACSA ) and I am a Senior Airlines Relations Officer. I do not have one leg although I walk with the aid of a prosthetic leg.
I am an employee at Airports Company South Africa -Durban (ACSA ) and I am a Senior Airlines Relations Officer. I do not have one leg although I walk with the aid of a prosthetic leg.
Do you find it difficult to move around the airport with a prosthetic leg?
No, it is a lot easier to walk with than being without it or on a wheelchair. But at times it is sore and I am allowed to remove it while I am at my desk. The company does not mind.
When you became disabled did you find it difficult to find employment?
Yes at first. Many companies at the time did not accommodate for disabled persons in the work place.
How did ACSA respond when you told them your disability?
They were very accommodating and understood were I was coming from.
Did ACSA accommodate you in the workplace towards your disability? If they did, how did they?
Yes they did accommodate me. They put me in a department were it suited my disability and I was able to work comfortably.
Did they treat you differently compared to other able-bodied employees?
Yes, they did treat me differently but not in a discriminatory way. It was in a very caring and compassionate manner. As they showed concern towards my disability. They did not disrespect me.
No, it is a lot easier to walk with than being without it or on a wheelchair. But at times it is sore and I am allowed to remove it while I am at my desk. The company does not mind.
When you became disabled did you find it difficult to find employment?
Yes at first. Many companies at the time did not accommodate for disabled persons in the work place.
How did ACSA respond when you told them your disability?
They were very accommodating and understood were I was coming from.
Did ACSA accommodate you in the workplace towards your disability? If they did, how did they?
Yes they did accommodate me. They put me in a department were it suited my disability and I was able to work comfortably.
Did they treat you differently compared to other able-bodied employees?
Yes, they did treat me differently but not in a discriminatory way. It was in a very caring and compassionate manner. As they showed concern towards my disability. They did not disrespect me.
Did they explain to you that you are protected by the Labour Relations Act and the Employment Equity Act in terms of your disability? Did you know that you were rights protected?
Yes, they explained all of this to me and thus far they have never undermined me because of my disability. They choose to encourage disabled employees in the work place as they feel disabled people should have employment opportunities and a better quality of life. They are a workplace that has lifts, ramps, toilets and various other facilities for disabled people. It is very accessible for me. Thankfully for the EEA many disabled people at ACSA are fully represented in the workplace. Nobody is seen as "disabled".
Would you like to have a union specifically for Disabled Employees?
Yes, It would be nice to have a Union that understands and represents the needs of disabled employees. They will also be more sensitive towards us and they will be able to cater towards the facilities for us, especially in workplaces that does not have ramps for wheelchairs, railings, and lifts etc. Unions that exist at the moment in SA do not really represent disabled people. They also do not follow up on companies to ensure that they accommodate disabled people. Disabled people find it very difficult to have their voices heard as most people see them as a group that is not useful in society and that needs to be "pitied" on. There are many qualified disabled people but most employers prefer to employ a able-bodied person than a disabled person. Unions need to start playing a pivotal role in changing perceptions in society and giving disabled people more awareness. It's acceptable to have Acts and laws for disabled people but most companies choose not to follow-up on it as government does not institutionalize provisions so that it's implemented diligently.
Do you feel that disabled employees need to be represented more in the workforce especially at ACSA?
Yes, there is not many disabled employees at ACSA. But they do not have a problem with employing them. I guess it also depends on the type of disability one has which depends on the type of job you going to do. Because I work at a desk so it is fine for me to work at ACSA. My job description made it easier for them to accommodate me according to my disability.
If there was something that you would like ACSA or the State to change or find difficult to obtain from either one of the institutions? What would it be and why?
There isn't really anything I feel that needs to change at ACSA. But as far as the state is concerned I strongly feel that provisions need to be made for Public transport in SA in support of disabled people. Not everyone can afford to have special cars to be built in support of their disability. These vehicles to have them modified cost a lot of money and it would be nice if the state since they were unable to provide proper public transport, to at least pay a percentage for vehicles to be modified for our disability. As employees we deserve to be treated with dignity and not have to be a limbo about our manner of movement to get to places. This is really disappointing on the states part.
Another aspect is that the state should provide prosthetic legs and hands for disabled people, as this is also very expensive to get.
Employees Comment: Well done Lab Glob on your topic of research. This really gives us hope that as a nation there are those that care. Goodluck with your Blog
"ACSA Employee"
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